how I'm trying to eat more vegetables

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

when it gets warmer, I always want more cold food (especially ice cream). less tomato soup, less grilled cheese, more strawberries and watermelon and salad.

every morning I've been packing my lunch: a tupperware container of peas, strawberries, blueberries, cucumber slices, and a sandwich wrapped in a napkin (hand-sewn by mamá). so many vegetables! so many fruits!

for dinner I've been sautéing zucchini and kale and peas and broccoli with olive oil and lemon juice. and roasting tomatoes and putting them on toasted french bread. and that is so good. 

so I recommend the following:

1. go to the store and buy a baguette of french bread and a couple large tomatoes. 
2. go home and slice the baguette into thin slices (I'd say about 1/4-1/2 an inch). brush some olive oil on them and sprinkle on some rosemary or basil (or both!). put them on a cookie sheet.
3. then slice the tomatoes, pretty thin. 
4. heat up a pan on the burner, and throw on the tomatoes. sprinkle on some pepper. 
5. put your oven to 375 degrees fahrenheit and pop the bread in. this is to slowly warm/toast them. 
6. once you've fried your tomatoes a bit so that they've gotten darker and softer, throw them on the pan with the bread and bake them for about five-ten minutes. 
7. take them out and let them cool for a couple seconds. then eat them!

you see, I find that if you incorporate bread into vegetable meals, the meal is even more appealing. 

oh yes and always, have fun. 

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