Happy Father's Day (And Weekend!)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

 I spent Saturday afternoon with a plethora of friends, my boyfriend, and my parents. J, Marcus, Hannah and I visited my favorite spot in my hometown, where you can peek through the brambles and see a sailboat or a ferry pass by. It's a quiet, peaceful spot, but that didn't stop us from taking fun photos and goofing around with flowers. 

 J and I have decided we are going to spend the summer being flower fairies. 

Father's day was spent in Seattle; a picnic at the beach with my family. I love my father dearly, but somehow a photo with him didn't make it onto the camera! He was off playing guitar and pushing Em on the swing. Em particularly enjoyed the "bubuhhhhs."

And I loved the the arrival of Summer. 


Baking: Zucchini Carrot Muffins

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

After finishing my final essay by 2 o'clock, I thought I'd treat myself to a little zucchini carrot muffin making. I had an hour and a half to spare, so why not bake something? 

I found the recipe from searching around Pinterest, and discovered this post. I halved the recipe, because I didn't quite need 3 dozen, and it ended up making a dozen because of the acorn shaped pan that I used. 

This is the fabulous Acorn Pan It's especially wonderful when you're making something that's sweet but earthy.

In the oven for 22 minutes... and they come out looking perfect. 

My favorite, because they're absolutely fresh and taste like a sweet version of the garden.Happy first day of Summer Break!xxo

Back home.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

What it feels like to be home:
Seeing Em learn about the garden / Picking sweet, green peas / Giggling together

Happy Wisconsin Wedding!

Monday, June 3, 2013

This weekend, my parents and I took the plane to Wisconsin to celebrate the wedding of my cousin. 

Lots of fun family, delicious food (especially those DB Infusion chocolates in Madison), and a truly beautiful wedding. 

Congratulations, S & N ♥