Late Nights after Warm Days.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The temperature reached over 60 degrees today. Put a skirt on, add pearls, and finish with "Beach Coral" Clinique lipstick.  That's what the weather told me. 


I've sat in the grass in the sun, and now it's night and the temperature has dropped. But the warmth is still clinging to my skin.

And I'm celebrating with The Head and the Heart. 

In the Process...

Saturday, April 6, 2013

As Spring Quarter rolls around and the cold weather begins to subside, I'm hoping to have more time to work on this blog. 

This will include a brand new layout, consistent posts, and all things great. 

However, this may take a long time, perhaps until Summer.

Until then, enjoy random bursts of creativity. 

